Use Letsencrypt certs on Postfix and Dovecot with selinux
- April
- 7
6:54 pm Linux
I have my certificates mounted via NFS on all hosts so that it gives me easy access to them for services that use SSL. The workaround I was using for mail services was to mount like this (from /etc/fstab): /etc/letsencrypt nfs ro,context="system_u:object_r:postfix_etc_t:s0"
That solves the issue of context for selinux so that postfix can read the files. The issue is that I can't read those same files with dovecot. I had a cron going to copy the certs to /etc/dovecot dir but that was a bit of a hack. So today I dug into the issue and fixed it.
The solution is to add to the current selinux policy so that dovecot can essentially read postfix's files. I suppose it is slightly less secure that way but since they are both part of the mail system I think it's an acceptable risk.
So here is the TE file that I eventually ended up with that allowed dovecot to start successfully.
module dovecot_read_postfix 1.0;
require {
type postfix_etc_t;
type init_t;
type unconfined_service_t;
type dovecot_t;
class process siginh;
class filesystem remount;
class dir search;
class file { open read };
class lnk_file read;
#============= dovecot_t ==============
allow dovecot_t postfix_etc_t:dir search;
allow dovecot_t postfix_etc_t:file { open read};
allow dovecot_t postfix_etc_t:lnk_file read;
#============= init_t ==============
allow init_t postfix_etc_t:filesystem remount;
allow init_t unconfined_service_t:process siginh;
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